
Tuition Policy

Tuition is broken into equal monthly payments.   Each payment covers classes during the month whether there are three, four, or five classes during that period.   Tuition is due monthly, on the first day of each month. E-mail reminders will be sent on the during the last week of the prior of month. Invoices will only be sent to those with outstanding accounts.  If we have not received your tuition payment by the 15th of the month, a bill will be sent along with a $5.00 billing fee.  When mailing your payment, please take this into consideration.   The fee for returned checks is $20.00.  There will be a $3.00 convenience fee for credit card payments by phone.  If you have a question or problem with your tuition, please contact us as soon as possible so we can resolve the problem promptly. Please be sure that our office has a current e-mail address.

Withdrawal Policy

If, for any reason, you wish to withdraw your child from class,  it is your responsibility  to either submit  a completed withdrawal card or notify our office by letter or e-mail. Verbal withdrawals to your child’s instructor or to another parent will not be accepted. If you do wish to withdraw, please give us the courtesy of informing us at least fourteen days before the end of the month so we can call the next child on the waiting list.   All students will be considered enrolled and responsible for tuition until our office is notified in the above manner.  Please check to see if your tuition is up to date. No partial payments will be accepted. Those who haven’t informed us in writing, of their intent to withdraw, will be held responsible for the next months tuition.

Class Make-up Policy

Enrolled students are eligible to make up any missed classes other than those that fall on an assigned holiday.  Make-up classes may not be transferred  from one student to another.  There will be no refunds for missed classes and no partial payments will be accepted.  Arrangements for a make-up class must be made through our office. Make-up classes should be scheduled within two weeks of the missed class and may not be substituted for regularly assigned classes. Make up classes are not available to withdrawn students.