1.) What are your office hours?

Our Goshen office hours are Monday thru Friday from  9:30 am – 6:30 pm. Saturday office hours are 9:00am – 12:30 pm

 2.) When can I register?

We have on going registration. You can register any time of the year as space allows. If the class of your choice is full, put your name on the waiting list or register for your second choice. We’ll try to accommodate you as soon as possible. You can register online at kennetts.com, or in person. 

3.) When is tuition due?

Tuition is due by the 1st of the month. If tuition is not received by the 15th, a bill will be issued along with a $5.00 billing fee. Tuition may be paid with cash, check or credit card at our office. You can also set up your own private account at kennetts.com under parent login. Follow your account and pay online. There will be a $3.00 convenience fee for credit card payments by phone.

4.) If I miss a class, can it be made up?

Yes. Any missed class may be made up other than an assigned holiday. You must however, contact the office to book a make up class. Make up classes must also be scheduled within 2 weeks of the missed class. Make up classes are not available for withdrawn students. 

5.) Is there a registration fee?

We have a $10 non refundable registration fee and a $ 30 yearly insurance fee.

6.) What does the insurance fee cover?

The insurance fee is a secondary insurance and comes into effect after your insurance has been used. There is a $250.00 deductible associated with this policy.

7.) What should my child wear to class?

We ask that all children wear white socks. Boys should wear shorts and a t-shirt. Girls should wear a leotard. Its important that children do not wear baggy clothing that could get caught on the apparatus. Children should also not wear jewerly of any kind.

8.) What is the birthday cut off date for my child to move up to an older class?

Your child’s birthday must be before 0ctober 15th in order to register for the proceeding aged class.

9.) Is there a discount if I enroll more than one of my children?

Yes. During our school year session, there is a $5 discount for for a second child, a $10.00 discount  for a third and a $15.00 discount for a fourth child.

10.) How many children are in a class?

There are a maximum of 7 students per teacher in pre-school classes and 8 students per instructor in our recreational classes.

11.) Can I view my child in class?

Yes, you’re welcome to observe class as space permits. We ask that you keep your interactions with your child to a minimum and encourage them to stay with their group.  Let us know if you have guests coming and we’ll reserve extra seating for you.

12.) What is your withdrawal policy?

If, for any reason, you wish to withdraw your child from class,  it is your responsibility  to either submit a completed withdrawal card or notify our office by letter or e-mail.  Verbal withdrawals to your child’s instructor or another parent will not be accepted. Please give us the courtesy of informing us no later than two weeks before the end of the month, so the next child on the waiting list can be informed of the opening.  All students will be considered enrolled and responsible for tuition until our office is notified in the above manner. Those that do not inform us of their withdrawal will be responsible for the next months tuition. Students that are withdrawn are not eligible for make up classes.

13.)  How do I know if classes are cancelled due to inclement weather?

In the event of poor weather, please visit our Facebook page or our home page at kennetts.com. If you are in doubt about the driving conditions, your class can be rescheduled through the office.

14)  How do I contact my child’s Instructor?

If you would like to discuss your child’s progress with his or her instructor, leave a message at the office and your instructor will be happy to call or meet you at a convenient time.